We are often asked about our IRC custom modular buildings, and what is different from a traditional factory built modular or manufactured home?
I guess the key differentiator other than the structural package of IRC vs. HUD, is that our modular IRC homes are 100% custom and can usually be delivered within 90 days from approved plans.
Currently manufactured and modular homes mass produced in plants in the southwest have a six to twelve month backlog from date of purchase (depending on which factory you are working with)
Modular Solutions, Ltd offers 100% custom design flexibility, and higher quality IRC construction standards. Our homes are priced similar to a traditional design-build site built home. We include the design, any interior or exterior options you choose, and help you build a custom floorplan to meet your housing design goals.
Modular Solutions, Ltd is located in Phoenix, Arizona and builds residential custom IRC homes for most southwest states. We take into consideration your roof and snow loads, foundation design for flood plain and non-flood plain site locations, popular design choices, and state IRC building code compliance for your location.

If you want a high quality home and want to work with a company that is known for exceptional customer service and on time delivery schedules Modular Solutions, Ltd is your team!
Contact us for more information
602-952-9741 x 1 (sales)