Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig High School

Modular High School Builds Community Spirit
- Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig High School was searching for funding for a new school for almost 20 years. The funding finally came through and it was time to decide how to build the new high school. They looked at many methods of construction but decided modular and prefabricated construction were the best solutions for the harsh winter climate of Minnesota. The project funding source was the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A list of important construction criteria was established and Modular Solutions, Ltd was awarded the contract. It was important for the high school to serve as a community resource for the teaching of traditional and cultural education. Some of the required design elements of the school included:
- Geothermal system
- LEED capable construction design and practices
- Sustainable materials and products, and energy efficient
- Modernized fire safety systems
- Natural design elements for the interior and exterior
- Extended lifecycle of products and materials
- Made in the USA building components
- Snow shelter safe haven
- Full service commercial food service kitchen and dining
- Safety vestibule and safe school design
- Abundant natural lighting
This Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig 46,000 square ft high school campus in rural Bena, MN will be the center of the community for many generations to come.