DMAFB Military Modular Buildings

Military Emergency Mobilization
Davis Monthan AFB needed emergency space right on the flight path. Special considerations and design had to be incorporated to mobilize quickly and with a turnkey solution.
Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, AZ is faced with constant troop movement and mobilization issues. When they had a need for office space right on the flight line it posed special challenges. Modular Solutions had to make sure that door and window openings were secured against high wind forces, we had to find a water tank and water delivery service for this short term mission, showers, a power generator and fueling source were required, as well as ADA ramps and egress. We built a team of great leasing companies to provide all the services under our GSA Contract # GS-07F-0199L, and we made sure every temporary need was met, for the success of this mission to be accomplished.
Contact our team today to discuss your next project!