Glendale Union High School Emergency Building Replacement

Emergency Replacement Buildings
Arizona has summer storms during the monsoon season that are extremely dangerous. High winds accompanied by torrential downpours can cause extensive damage to buildings quickly. Glendale High School was in the center of such a storm and lost use of several classrooms. School was about to start and there needed to be a space solution for the 120 students that required classroom space. Modular Solutions was able to deliver and install (2) portable classrooms for emergency replacement buildings and had them in place within 30 days. This was no easy task. With building regulations, and power company communicaiton, and fire safety it took the entire team to make this happen. By working closely with the district, Modular Solutions drew the plans “in-house” and submitted for permits under emergency management considerations. The great news the buidlings were able to be set on site, and the utility company expedited the power for the new buildings to get all the students into classrooms on time for the school year.